X International Scientific and Practical Conference on Biotechnology as an Instrument for Plant Biodiversity Conservation (physiological, biochemical, embryological, genetic and legal aspects)

NASC Complex, New Delhi, India | 19th to 21st November 2024


Early Bird Registration and Abstract Submission Date Have Been Extended to July 31st
Abstract submission is now open
Early Bird Registration is now open








Important Announcement
  • Abstract submission is now open
  • Conference Dates
    19, 20 & 21 November 2024
  • Conference Venue
    NASC Complex, New Delhi, India
  • Online Registration (Early Bird Extended Till July 31)
    Click Here
  • Deadline for Abstract Submission
  • Deadline for Full Paper Submission

Welcome Message

It is with great pleasure we extend this invitation to you to participate in the upcoming "X International Scientific and Practical Conference on Biotechnology as an Instrument for Plant Biodiversity Conversation (physiological, biochemical, embryological, genetic and legal aspects) (BIOTECH 2024)" scheduled to take place from November 19th to 21st, 2024, in Delhi, India.

The primary objective of BIOTECH 2024 is to assemble leading scientists and emerging researchers from around the globe to share their groundbreaking research findings, foster collaborative ventures, and to chart a course for addressing the pivotal challenges in plant biodiversity conservation, plant biotechnology and related aspects. The conference will encompass pivotal areas of plant biology research, including physiological, biochemical, embryological, genetic and legal aspects related to plant genetic conservation.

Conference program will feature a wide array of activities, including keynote lectures and plenary sessions focusing on key areas, poster presentations, ISHS Young Minds awards, technical tour and ample opportunities to engage with various stakeholders.

We earnestly seek your support for this conference and kindly urge you to disseminate this invitation among your colleagues and students, encouraging them to participate and submit their abstracts promptly. Your involvement is not only welcomed but essential to the collective success of BIOTECH-2024 being held first time in India.

This event is being organized by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR-NPBGR), under the aegis of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS).

We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet and extend our warmest hospitality to you in the historical city and capital of India “New Delhi”.

Kind regards,


Dr GP Singh

Director, ICAR-NBPGR


Sandhya Gupta



SK Malik


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Bonn, Germany

Dr Sarada Krishnan

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Yunnan, China

Professor Kanchit Thammasiri

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Fort Collins, CO, USA

Dr Gayle M. Volk

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Gatersleben, Germany

Dr Manuela Nagel

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Moscow, Russian Federation

Dr Irina Mitrofanova

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Dresden / Pillnitz

Dr. Monika Höfer

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