X International Scientific and Practical Conference on Biotechnology as an Instrument for Plant Biodiversity Conservation (physiological, biochemical, embryological, genetic and legal aspects)

NASC Complex, New Delhi, India | 19th to 21st November 2024

Scientific Topics

  • Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) Management
  • Application of biotechnological tools in managing PGR
  • In vitro propagation and conservation
  • Cryobiology and cryobanking of plants
  • Basic studies for in vitro conservation and cryopreservation (Physiology, biochemistry and Embryology of plants)
  • Diversity analysis and Plant genomic research in PGR management
  • Climate change and plant genetic resources
  • Omics for plant genotyping/phenotyping
  • Quarantine and Biosafety
  • Patenting and Farmers right issues in plant germplasm
  • Ecosystem services and socio-economic impact of PGR conservation


Session 1: Micropropagation and in vitro conservation of plants

Session 2: Cryopreservation: a way forward for conservation of plants

Session 3: Fundamental studies for ex situ plant conservation-morphological, physiological, biochemical, embryological and genetic aspects

Session 4: Diversity analysis and plant genomic research towards PGR management

Session 5: Omics in plant genotyping/phenotyping and conservation

Session 6: PGR management-exploration & collection, exchange, quarantine, bio-safety, legal and policy issues

Session 7: Climate change, farmer’s right and socio-economic impact of PGR